Wolfram Sparber
Wolfram Sparber is head of the Institute for Renewable Energy at Eurac Research in Bolzano-Italy. The Institute has currently around 150 collaborators and does applied research in the field of renewable energy, energy efficiency and overall energy system modelling.
On European level he acts as vice president of the Association of European Renewable Energy Research Centers (https://eurec.be/ ). Before that he was active for several years as vice president of the European Technology and Innovation Platform Renewable Heating and Cooling (https://www.rhc-platform.org/ ). Wolfram Sparber is further member of the Clean Energy Industrial Forum chaired by the Directorate General for Energy of the European Commission, and is part of an expert consultation group on the Innovation Landscape for Smart Electrification of End-use Sector coordinated by the International Renewable Energy Agency (https://www.irena.org/ ).
On industrial side he is member of the Advisory Board of the energy utility Alperia (https://www.alperiagroup.eu) since 2019, before that he was chairman of the Executive Board for three years. Alperia is one of the largest renewable energy utilities in Italy including renewable electricity production, electricity distribution, district heating, energy efficiency services and e-mobility infrastructure.
Wolfram has a background in applied physics at Graz University of Technology, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona and Fraunhofer ISE.